Peter Pears -tenor
Peter Pears & Benjamin Britten CD074(Single Disc- $14.99 U.S.Dollars)
- The Holy Sonnets Of John Donne Op.35(Britten)
- Oh, My Black Soulel
- Batter My Heart
- O, Might Those Sighs And Tears
- Oh, To Vex Me
- What If This Present
- Since She Who I Loved
- At The Round Earths Imagined
- Thou Hast Made Me
- Death Be Not Proud
- On Wenlock Edge(Ralph Vaughn Williams Housman)
- On Wenlock Edge
- From Far, From Eve And Morning
- Oh, When I Was In Love With You
- Is My Team Ploughing?
- Bredon Hill
- Clun
- English And French Folk Ballads
- The Sally Gardens
- Little Sir William
- Oliver Cromwell
- The Ash Grove
- Sweet Polly Oliver
- The Bonny Earl O'Moray