Peter Dawson -baritone
Peter Dawson CD094 (Single Disc - $14.99 U.S.Dollars)
- Kashmiri Song.........(Woodforde-Finden)
- Less Than The Dust.........(Woodforde-Finden)
- The Arrow And The Song.........(Balfe)
- Will O' The Wisp.........(Cherry)
- Young Tom O' Devon.........(Russell)
- The Fishermen Of England
- Oh, Could I But Express In Song.........(Malashkin)
- Sincerity.........(Clarke)
- Love And War.........(T.Cook)-Sydney Coltham
- The Battle Eve.........(Theo. Bonheur)
- Side B:The Moon Hath Raised Her Lamp Above.........(Benedict)
- On To The Fields Of Glory.........(Donizetti)
- Barrack Room Ballads.........(Kipling)
- The Miner's Dream Of Home.........(Goodwin-Dryden)
- Waiata Poi.........(Hill)
- Auld Lang Syne
- The Floral Dance.........(Moss)
- Waltzing Matilda.........(Patterson-Cowan)