Mickey Clark
Mickey Clark Varieties CD084(Single Disc- $14.99 U.S.Dollars)
- Come all Ye Fair/Everything Happens to Me
I Cover the Waterfront
The Lady is a Tramp-with Sonya Marie
I Wonder(Mickey Clark)
Our Love is Here To Stay-Harry Busby Dave Todd,Andy Fielding
I See Two Lovers
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables-Vancouver Men's Chorus-A Steamy Cabaret-at the Cultch
Swinging Down the Lane/Learning the Blues-with big band at New Years 2000 at Pan Pacific Hotel
Let's Call it a Day
The Loveliness of You
It Had to Be You
Goodbye to Love
I Can't Get Started-Kansas City Express-my Jazz debut-Recorded at Hot Jazz Club 1981
Bewitched,Bothered and Bewildered-Gerry Teahan on piano
Tell Me-Woodwards television song 1988
Carolina in the Morning-Duet with Perry Dickison on piano
A Foggy Day-with Lance Harrison,M.G.Teahan,Harry Busby
Jeepers Creepers
Sentimental Baby-Duet with Lance Harrison-one of the funniest guys I have known
I'm in the Mood for Love-Sonya Marie on piano
Stardust-Richard Wrzaskala on piano
Brother,Can You Spare a Dime?/But Not For Me-Perry Dickison on piano
A Gardener's Sunrise-an instrumental duet with my neighbour's lawnmower